Futures Markets
Electronic US T-Bond (CBOT)
Contract Sym Prev  Open  High  Low  Last Trade  Chg  Settle  Last Update
US TREASURY ... Sep 24 @US4U  118'20  118'25  119'18  118'12  119'12  0'23  119'11s  3:59P Jul 26
US TREASURY ... Dec 24 @US4Z  118'23  118'25  119'20  118'19  119'16  0'23  119'14s  2:22P Jul 26
US TREASURY ... Mar 25 @US5H  118'25  119'04  119'04  119'04  119'04  0'23  119'16s  2:00P Jul 26
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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  119'12
Change:  0'23
Bid:  119'11
Ask:  119'12
Today's High:  119'18
Today's Low:  118'12
Volume:  318,709
Open:  118'25
Settle:  119'11s
Prev:  118'20
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Jul-26-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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DTN Weekly DDG Prices Mixed, But Lower on Average
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Posted at Friday, July 26, 2024 11:32AM CDT
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