Elbow Lake Co-op Grain locations will be closed Monday, February 17th, in Observance of Presidents Day. ---Grain Markets are Closed---
Elbow Lake Phone 218-685-5331 Wendell Phone 218-458-2127
We are seeing quality issues as springwheat harvest progresses in our area. Lower Proteins, higher damage kernels, scab, and Vomitoxin Issues are present in some of the new crop wheat. Composite Samples are being taken to test for Vomitoxin and damage.
The discount schedule is below. Vomitoxin 0.0 - 2.0 = no discount 2.1-3.0 = 20 cents per bu. 3.1 – 4.0 = 40 cents 4.1-5.0 = 75 cents 5.1 – 6.0 = $ 1.00 Over 2.0 vomitoxin is subject to rejection
Elbow Lake Co-op Grain is now offering Grower 360. Grower 360 allows customer to view their account information online including: Scale Tickets, Contracts and settlements. It also shows product bookings, invoices, payments and statements. Stop in our office to sign up or call our office 218-685-5331.
========================================================================= Price Later Program Delayed Pricing on Corn on new deliveries 5 cents per month prorated per day
Delayed Pricing on Soybeans on new deliveries 5 cents per month prorated per day
Delayed Pricing on Wheat new deliveries 8 cents per month If priced within 10 days of unload no delayed pricing charges will be applied. Charges are prorated per day. Grain that is on delayed pricing cannot be applied to future contracts.
Grain accumulator contracts are offered to our patrons.
We will accept RR 2extend soybeans
Please check and clean your grain handling equipment used for treated seed. Zero Tolerance for Treated Seed in grain delivered to the Elevator. ========================================================================= Company Phone #'s
========================================================================= Welcome to the Elbow Lake Co-op Grain website.
This website is designed to be used by our Customer Producers as a tool in their Farming Operations.
The DTN information can be found by accessing the tabs on the top of the screen. Along with that, all our local company information is located at the very top of the Website. Thank you for choosing our website. Check back often for continued updates.
________________________________________________________________________ Delayed Pricing Program --- Delayed Pricing Cannot be applied to any forward Contracts -- -- DP Grain must be sold based on spot bid -- click above for info Delayed Pricing on Wheat 8 cents per month prorated per day if not sold -Wheat Protein Discount/premium -8 per 1/5 below 14 pro +5 per 1/5 above 14 pro up to 15.0 pro max --2.5 % shrink per 1 % over 13.5% -- no drying charge
Delayed Pricing on Soybeans 5 cents per month prorated per day if not sold --13.0 Base Moisture
Shrink only 2% for 1% over starting at 13.1 -- no drying charges
Delayed Pricing on Corn 5 cents per month prorated per day if not sold
Drying No drying charge under 15.0% Moisture
5 cents 15.1% to 15.5% 12 cents 15.6% to 17.0%
2.5 cents per 1/2 pt 17.1% and up -1.5 % shrink per point starting at 14.6 % (broke down to the tenth)
TERMS *Grain under a delayed pricing contract cannot be applied to any future cash delivery, basis fixed or futures only contracts.* *program subject to change and as space allows* *prorated charges by the day* *10 days free DP only applies if sold in first 10 days and a dp program needs to be offered*
Sunday to Friday: CME Globex trading from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 a.m. CT
Monday to Friday: Break in CME Globex trading from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. CT
Monday to Friday: Floor and CME Globex trading from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. CT
Interested in getting closing daily bids via e-mail or text message? Make a account below and request to be sent daily text messages and/or email your choice!
Although every effort has been made to insure accuracy, Elbow Lake Co-op Grain, shall have no obligation or liability to the recipient of the information contained herein for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, changes, revisions, delays or interruptions in the information or transmission of information contained herein to the recipient including without limitation direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages which may result.